Section RULZZZZ... Mua ha ha ha!!!
(u can ask ur asl to abolish them)
1) U must enjoy ur band practices... If i dont see anyone enjoying it, pump 10...
2) Band badge is a must, although is a stupid thing, but yar... forget to wear, die... pump 5
3) Dropping of mouth piece can lead to severe pumping, no. of pumps will be dependent on the mood of ur seniors...
4) There are no rules 5 to 7, dont ask, if not, jump down from 3rd story...
8) part A - Criticizing any seniors could lead to 15 pumps or/and doing duty for the section
part B - Not only during band time, but also online... ESPECIALLY FACEBOOK :D
10) part B!- Punishing juniors to pump for no particular reasons related to own section leads to double of the given pumping :D
~~~Marumo, part of it contributed by our dear evonne...