Hahaha omgosh. I was just being random, checking out all my blogs and I just stopped over just to take a look at this and suddenly I'm feeling nostalgic.
All these posts brings back wonderful memories.
Those fun moments.Those songs that we played together. Those SYF pieces that we practiced for hours and hours just to get that articulation correct. Those jokes that shared with each other at the staircase and the now locked corridors that we used to practice at. (only applicable for Evonne and Me onwards. haha maybe kwang hwee and Jia ni? haha ) All of the sudden I feel like going back to sec1, when I can still happily go to band and practice my lousy articulation, going back to the period before SFY, trying to get the 2 bars of tonguing correct and accurate.
Looking at the photo above, I totally missed playing badminton together, as a section. haishhhhh.I can still remember vividly the feeling I handed over, the feeling of "ah, so this my last time being a NHSB member? Will they still remember me when I come back the next time? Will Jia Ni and Kwang hwee stop arguing? Will Yihan and Crystal remember my name? Will the new exco do a better job than us?" Looking back, yeah I worried so much.Its amazing that I didnt really cry that day. I start to regret for not being giving my best when I can and being not a so up to standard assistant band leader and assistant leader. Sorry. :(
I know, no use thinking so much now when nothing can be done. Well, I guess this is life? 当我们失去时我们才会珍惜...
haha so enjoy and treasure your time now in band, it will become precious memories when you are in sec4. :) trust me.. haha
那些年, 我们一起吹着的法国号...
- suwen :)
omg I m supposed to do my revision on natural vegetation and I did this.. ahah okay so byebye~~~